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Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Mango Benefits And Side Effects
Mango is called the king of fruits and people call it a love fruit because of its color and popularity. Mostly in every house, people eagerly wait for the summer season to eat mangoes. Mango can only grow in the summer season and is yellow and is very rich in vitamins and is very nutritious. This fruit is full of fiber and a very good source of antioxidants. Mango is very sweet in taste, child, adult and even an old person can easily swallow it because of its softness. Apart from its good taste mango has so many health benefits. We should consume one mango daily in the summer season; we should not eat it frozen or when it is not growing naturally.
Mangoes- the types and the varieties of this delicious fruit
Mangoes come in many varieties with Hindi names like Langra, Gulab Khas, Dasheheri, Alphonso, Chausa, etc. Different varieties grow in different states. Gulab Khas harvests in Bihar and West Bengal, Langra harvests in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. Dasheheri harvests in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. Chausa harvests in Punjab and Rajasthan. Alphonso harvests in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Dasheheri and Alphonso are called the king among all mangoes, Alphonso is costlier than others and Dasheheri is affordable for all. So, Dasheheri is one of the most favorite mango varieties in our houses and is also called the royal mango.
Let us now look at the great benefits that mango can bring to your health –
The nutrition that mango can bring to your fruit plate
Mango, especially a raw mango, is enriched with vitamin C. It has tartaric and citric acid in a sufficient amount. In India, people make pickles with raw mango and they preserve this pickle for the next whole year. This pickle served daily with food. So, vitamin C helps us in maintaining the growth and development of our body tissues. Vitamin E is also found in mangoes which help to protect our heart from heart diseases and controlling the level of cholesterol in our body. Mango also contains a good quantity of vitamin A and vitamin A helps in increasing immunity in our body; it helps in increasing the good bacteria in our body so that the body can fight with infections.
Tasty it is, healthy it is, and yes it is a Mango
Mangoes are having several health-related benefits as they are full of vitamins A, B, C, and E. (You can check out food guide for blood donation if you need.) This king of fruit has many minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorous, etc. In fact, mangoes help in increasing metabolism and good metabolism helps in maintaining a good weight. Mangoes are full of fiber and minerals which keep our body healthy and bring the glow to our body as well as the face. We should consume one mango daily to stay healthy and fit. Excess of everything is bad and has bad results if does not eat wisely. We should not consume mango in three to four quantities daily then it may have bad impacts on our body. One mango is sufficient for our body to give nutrition in a proper amount.
Get your motion right – Mango helps in motion problem
If someone is suffering from stomach related problem like motion problem then he/she should consume a medium-sized mango daily. Mango has a good amount of fiber and it helps in problems like stomach related.
Mangoes reduce the risk of cancer, it is an all-rounder fruit
Mangoes have anti-cancerous properties and contain antioxidants. These properties help to prevent cancerous cells in our bodies. Mangoes help to prevent breast cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. That is why mangoes are also considered as an anticancer agent.
Mangoes help in increasing the sexual drive
Mango is also called as love fruit. The reason behind this name is mango has love related benefits too. Mango increases the love hormones in men’s bodies. Mango increases the strength, energy and sex drive in men. So, it is also to the males if they are suffering from low sexual desire.
Mangoes help in losing those extra pounds hanging around
It would not wrong if we will call mango as a wonder fruit. But you would have been surprised to read mango as it helps to lose weight. Let me tell you if you reading this right. As mangoes contain healthy fiber in adequate quantity and it enriches with certain essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrition. If you consume mango, you will full immediately. So you can skip taking other extra calories. Ultimately Mangoes that can big contribute to weight loss for these days.
Moreover, mangoes help in improving our digestion system helps in building good metabolism. That is why mango helps in shedding some extra pounds and makes you fit. But a medium-sized mango is enough for the day. With your doctor’s advice, you can go on a mango diet.
Mangoes help in keeping the heart healthy – A heart-felt fruit
I told you earlier mango is also called the wonder fruit. Cardiac arrest usually happens when your blood pressure shoots out. When you feel like blood pressure is going on a high level you can consume a mango, mango has those properties by which blood pressure level cools down and you feel relaxed. Mango helps in refreshing your mood (Notably for more about to know blood donation then you can refer our previous posts).
Want to manage cholesterol level and regulate diabetes – eat mangoes
If mangoes consume healthily then it could be helpful then it helps in maintaining normal cholesterol level and even diabetes. In a survey, it is found that mangoes are having such properties by which cholesterol can be controlled. And diabetics are not allowed to consume any type of sugar, but if your case is normal then you can have a medium-sized mango, it will increase your bone strength and helps in maintaining diabetes. You should take your doctor’s permission first.
A beautiful mango as a beauty fruit
Mango is also known as a beauty fruit. As mango is enriched with proper nutrients and minerals, so it is advised to eat it for glowing your body as well as the face. Mango works on the body’s pores and opens up to beautify your skin.
Mango is also used as a face pack, take one or two slices of mango, and make pulp of it then add tablespoon honey into this pulp. Give this a good mix; apply this mix all over your face. Allow it to get dry and after that using your wet fingers scrub it properly then wash your face. And you can see the difference immediately. It helps in cleansing the skin. On the other hand, read our one of why we need water article and know about the truth and facts.
Everything has disadvantages, but mangoes? Yes, they too!
Every coin has both good and bad sides to it and so in this case, this is true as well. Consumption in the proper amount is good but if you eat this more than its requirement then you have to face some consequences.
Can lead to gain extra weight – weight matters
We should not mix milk and mango, as a combination of these two has so many calories. The people who are suffering from the underweight problem, for them it is a boon. But those who already have good weight, for them it could be dangerous because mango has calories. One mango contains 150 calories; if you are eating two to three mangoes in the day then it could make you fat.
Mango is dangerous for diabetics – take precautions
If your diabetes level is already high then you should not eat mango, even a single slice of mango can lead your diabetes level on the higher side. So you should avoid taking this as well, mango is enriched with sweetness.
Not good for allergic people – check the impact
Mango has a chemical called urushiol. There are some people, who have a certain kind of allergy to contact dermatitis, it can cause allergy to the skin. By this, you can have rashes on skin or some kind of red pimples. So if you are allergic to some certain kind of allergy or have very sensitive skin then you should avoid eating mangoes.
Harmful in stomach related problem
If your stomach is not healthy and you cannot digest food properly then you should avoid mango consumption. Mangoes have those properties by which a person gets relieved if he is suffering from constipation, and if you are already patient of this type of problem then mango should be avoided.
Avoid eating immature mangoes or raw mangoes
If the mango is not fully ripe or mango is immature, then we should avoid eating mangoes. It can lead to indigestion. However, it is considered that raw mango saves us from heat strokes, but eating too many raw mangoes can lead us to diarrhoea and indigestion.
Avoid chemically ripe mango
Sometimes farmers may ripe mangoes with the help of chemicals known as calcium carbide (CaC2). These types of mangoes have a bad impact on health. This type of ripening is strictly banned by the government. We should always intake naturally ripe mangoes.
To conclude it can be said that mango has very good properties related to health but as everything has two sides good and bad in the same way mango also has two sides good and bad. Mango has several health benefits if one is eating mango in a proper quantity according to one’s health. Then mangoes can do wonders.
Mangoes have rare side effects but if you are eating mangoes or you are a mango lover then you should consider some points before eating the mangoes. Otherwise, mango is absolute the miracle fruit, you can have it healthily. Enjoy the summers with delicious mangoes.