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You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truths Behind How To Hold Drum Sticks?
Of course, here there are two types of grip:
match and traditional.
1) Matched grip
As a matter of fact, This type of grip is a main stick grip style so far. It is also standard for most music. In that, we have to use both hands to hold the drum stick. As compared to others this is a very simple method and easy to learn.
This is mostly better for fast stick movement. In this method left hand used for a high-volume rebound.
For playing the modern genres of music you should prefer the matched grip method.
There are three variations on the matched grip:
i) French
ii) German
iii) American
American grip
It is the easiest and versatile grip style.
It contains different method :
Method-1: Point your index finger forward
Palm position
Make palm of the left hand is facing down. Its index finger is pointing forward and ensure that it is parallel to the floor. Please note that once the distance between the snare drum head as well as your hand is about two inches.
Curl the finger
By bending your index finger inner side of the palm. It is the primary point to give support for the stick. It makes a small pocket-like structure.
Place stick
Now it’s time to Place your drumstick under that pocket of your index finger. Make sure the index finger should be comfortably wrapped on a stick. It’s the same as holding the trigger of a gun.
You can find the balance point of the stick
During playing drum your stick has to bounce like spring on the drum. To find that correct point, When you hit on drum slide the drumstick up and down in the pocket of your finger. Do this until you got rebounds of the snare drum. It’s confirmed when the stick bounces up to 6 to 8 times.
Most of the time the balance point is found at the two-thirds part of the stick at the backside of the stick.
Place the thumb on your drumstick side. It needs extra control while playing.
Now, your little finger, ring finger, and middle finger wrap onto the drumstick. Make sure do not prevent the stick from bouncing back. Give comprehensive support to stick. The same for the right hand.
German grip
It is the second version of the matched grip. It used when you want to play your drums louder.
Firstly as told in American grip, grasp the balance point of sticks. Make palm parallel to drum surface.
Bend middle finger to give support to stick.
Make elbows bend out. This position helps you to provide the required control and power.
When you are going to striking, turn your wrists downward. when they hit the drum check that sticks having a good bounce. If not then adjust your grip position slightly.
French grip
It is the last type of the matched grip. French grip offers extra dexterity and control compared to others. It is a unique one and fingers play a vital role.
1) Grab drumstick at balance point as told in American grip.
2) Both palms face each other and must apart from each other.
It’s most unique as compared. This type requires you to use the fingers mainly. The step is as follows:
1) grab your drumsticks as told in American grip at the balance point.
2) Use Your pinky finger, ring finger, and middle fingers to give support for the stick.
3) Now, make your elbows a comfortable position. Relax your hands and start drumming. Use finger to strike on drums.
Traditional grip
Here are the steps for holding drumsticks in the traditional grip, follow the following steps:
1) Put your left hand in front of you with the bending elbow.
2) Place the drumstick in your hand by grabbing it between your thumb and index finger.
3) Place the bottom part of the middle fingertip on the side of the drumstick.
4) Place thumb over the stick and rest the stick on the first joint of your index finger.
5) Place pinky finger and ring finger under the stick.
6) Now rotate your left forearm when playing as like you were turning a doorknob. Pinky finger is used to keep stick steady.
7) Do the same holding in your right hand.
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