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All You Need To Know About How Long Will It Take To Get Pregnant
This is the question about which a lot of people are concerned in today’s era and these days it has become a common problem for this generation. A question arises why we are facing such infertility problems or why it takes so much time to get pregnant once we decided to have a baby in this era when science is so progressive. Science has not started yet to make robots instead of humans. We are human with some certain types of processes that we have to maintain in the same way in which they should be.
In older times we never heard about this problem so much because in old-time food, air, and water everything used to be so pure and fresh exactly in the way which our human body demands. And a marriage happened at an early age like in the 20s and in that time a woman’s body was highly fertile. As we get older, the fertility becomes weak and the chances of getting pregnant also decrease.
Causes of late pregnancy – the issues that we have
Nowadays women and men do not believe in early marriages. Food is not as pure as a lot of pesticides are being used to grow vegetables, fruits and other types of fruits. Water is also so polluted and we are using purifiers for everything to clean our food, our water, and even air too. So, these are the basic issues for which the people are facing the consequences today. There are other factors too and these depend upon person to person. Everyone has a different type of body so their conceiving time is also different.
For example, one of my friends Robert D’crouse and his wife Ella had sex and from that day, they were expecting a baby. They purchased a pregnancy test kit from the market but did not find any result as Ella was having a normal cycle of menstruation. After two to three months of trying hard, they thought of meeting a gynaecologist, and the doctor recommended some sort of iron and calcium tablets as the rest seemed fine to her.
After six months when the couple didn’t get any positive outcome then they went for tests for fertility eggs. And she did her pregnancy test once and the couple became so excited after seeing two pink lines on the pregnancy detector. So, the meaning of this example is that if you are planning to conceive then understand that it may take six months to one year at least to get pregnant and till this time there is nothing to worry about.
Understand the right time of the month to get pregnant
It varies from person to person because ovulation time is different for every female. If a female is having a normal menstruation cycle of 28 days then the 14th day will be considered the prime time of ovulation. This one week of the month is a highly recommended period for conceiving. A female’s ovary is in the most fertile form for one week in a month. It is the time of the month when one could get pregnant easily. These days are the most ovulated period of the menstruation cycle and have a high probability of resulting in pregnancy. But, of course, there are several other factors related to getting pregnant.
There are several questions and answers related to this topic that, these days, people are facing the trouble of conceiving. How much time it will take to get pregnant after having sex is a normal question we hear? Pregnancy does not start immediately after having intercourse; it may take up to six days after intercourse for the sperm to reach the eggs and to get fertilized.
When all the hormones are in healthy form and ready to support or ready to take sperm only then pregnancy can happen. There are eggs in a female’s body which gets fertilize slowly and once in a month, the time comes when eggs are in their most fertilize forms and are ready to get fertilized. However, it takes around a week when the sperm meets the egg and fertilizes it. Let us look into the process of getting pregnant once the sperm has entered the vagina after sexual intercourse.
The process of conceiving – understanding what happens internally
In a woman’s body, there is a time when follicles start to grow. Follicles are known as eggs in general terms. The follicles get mature every 12th to the 14th day after menstruation; this day starts to count from the first day of menstruation. When we have sexual intercourse, the sperm enters into our body through the fallopian tubes. After the sperm stays in the fallopian tube for about 3 to 4 days, it divides into many cells and it keeps on dividing.
Then the sperm moves out from the fallopian tube and tries to attach to the uterus. Then, the sperm stays there for another three to four days until the baby is ready to form. This process seems slow to us as it is taking around a week to get fertilized but the truth is that it is a very fast process beyond our imagination. You should know that there are fifteen million counts in a single sperm, and they are desperate to mingle with the egg, they all are in search of the way to reach the egg through the fallopian tube. For getting pregnant, we need only a single healthy sperm and a single fertilized egg and a bit of luck.
The Hormones change and so does your mood – Enjoy the process
When sperm meets with the most fertile egg and the female gets pregnant then it is the time when all hormones change. There are two types of hormones in a female’s body, one is called estrogens and the other is called progesterone. When changes occur in these hormones then many symptoms are there like mood swing, body-related changes and many more. Mood swings in pregnancy are very common and it should be treated as a normal thing. Pregnancy is a life changer event in which you can experience many hormonal changes like physical changes, mental changes and emotional changes. If you are feeling excellent in the morning, you may feel irritated after an hour.
By understanding these changes and by reading more and more about them, you will be able to adopt these changes in a better way and you can enjoy your pregnancy throughout. If you get to talk with the professionals, ask them more about your situations. It could be a great help to understand properly about the working of our hormones during pregnancy. Lots of hormonal changes can be seen in the first trimester of pregnancy, as in that time hormones are changing rapidly. And in the last trimester, there are again lots of changes in hormones like changes in metabolism, blood pressure problem, fatigue, improper sleep, restlessness, etc.
There are many ways by which one can enjoy their pregnancy even when the hormones are changing. Your partner must always make you feel that you are not alone at all, and should always be there by your side to face any type of complexity together. I hope you enjoy your pregnancy happily and healthily together with your partner.
Pregnancy tips for gaining better knowledge on this important talking point
- The first and main important point is to keep a watch at your menstruation cycle and do maximum intercourse when it is the prime time of ovulation. You need to be sexually more active during this period to reap the benefit of higher chances.
- The second most important point is to watch your eating habits. We should always eat healthily, and if we are trying for pregnancy then it becomes a necessity to eat healthily. Food plays a very important role in conceiving for both males and females. In females, food helps in proper menstruation cycle and eggs fertilization and in males food plays its role in producing good and healthy sperm.
- The more you exercise the better chances you have for pregnancy so choose anything from aerobics, gym, running, walking or yoga exercises and get going. Performing daily exercise for 30-45 minutes helps to get better hormones for both males and females.
- You can start taking prenatal vitamins, irons, and calcium after consulting your gynecologist as it will help in preparing your body for conceiving with a healthy baby.
You need to properly understand your body before you start planning for your pregnancy. Try to understand your menstruation cycle first, and then identify the ovulation period as chances of getting pregnant in this period are the maximum. Once you have had sexual intercourse, the entire process of sperm reaching your egg starts, and then it tries to fertilize the egg. The process may take up to 7 days and if everything goes fine, you can get pregnant after this duration. So, you may test for your pregnancy after 3-5 days of having intercourse so that the egg gets its time to fertilize and should test multiple times in a week for correct results.
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