Pregnancy is a lovely thing to happen to a woman and she cherishes its memories for a lifetime. For a woman, the outcome of a pregnancy is usually the most beautiful creature of this world, her child. However, get pregnant is a very complicated yet natural process that needs a lot of attention. Requiring months of effort and care to nourish the child in your belly, it becomes important to understand every aspect of your pregnancy and to prepare yourself for a healthy delivery. A baby grows slowly into the womb of her mother and keeps on changing its position throughout the pregnancy. These positions, especially the position in the last trimester, are very important for the birth process. Often pregnant ladies worry about the correct position of their child in the last month. They enquire the specialists about how to identify the baby’s position and how to change it for normal delivery. So, let us look into different ways you can try to change your baby’s position in the 9th month. But before that, let us understand the different positions your baby can be in the last month of pregnancy and what does that mean. Moreover, see also become pregnant after sexual intercourse article and the information about three weeks of pregnancy so far.
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Different positions of a baby in the last month of pregnancy inside a mother’s womb
The first head down position or the anterior position
An anterior position is the best position for a baby to be in at the time of the birth. In this position, the baby’s head is down towards the pelvis and the back facing the stomach of the mother. In this posture, the baby can easily come out of the womb to result in a natural delivery.
The second head down position or the posterior position
This position is also a head-down position but the back of the baby facing the woman’s back. In this position natural delivery is slightly harder and it results in more time and pain during pregnancy.
The Breech position or the head-up position
The third position is a breech position in which the head is in an upward position and legs point downwards. This is a very difficult position as far as we consider having a natural pregnancy. Since in this case, the head is the last part to come out of the pelvis area, natural delivery becomes complicated. Often the doctors advise cesarean delivery in case of a breech baby to avoid any complications. Breech position can be any of the following three described positions based on the feet position of the child-.
- Frank Breech is a position in which the feet of the fetus are near their faces.
- Complete Breech is a position in which the feet of the fetus are near their buttocks and they are in a cross-legged sitting position.
- Footling Breech is a position in which the feet of the fetus are straight pointing downwards.
So, it is the breech position which needs special treatment as the head of the fetus points upwards. If the fetus remains in this position at the time of delivery, it becomes difficult to go for normal delivery. So, many times different ways are there for the mothers to try and change the baby’s position to a head-down position.
Different ways to change a baby’s position from breech to a normal head-down position
Changing a baby’s position to a normal head-down position can be important for a natural delivery. Following are the different ways available for the same –
This is one of the processes suggested by a doctor or a midwife for moving your baby’s position. In this process, a midwife or a doctor tries to change your baby’s position externally by pushing it in the appropriate directions. This may not usually do any harm to your child but it is highly recommended to consult your doctor thoroughly before taking this up.
Walking daily to help the fetus change its position on its own
Walking is a common and the simplest way to try and change your baby’s position. When you walk, the movement gives room to the baby to change the position and with time may result in a head-down position. Moreover, walking has other health benefits as well during pregnancy as it allows you to control the extra fat on your own body.
Crawling easily to change the position of your child in the womb
It has to be a simple crawling exercise in which you put your knees on the ground. Then with the help of your hands and knees, you crawl on the floor ensuring your tummy is not pressed against the floor. This is a common exercise suggested by doctors to correct their child’s position naturally.
Keep the hips at a position higher than the knees when you sit
Whenever you sit, try to keep the position of your hips higher than the position of your knees. Doing this also helps to naturally change the position of your child before birth.
You do not need to worry much about your child’s position in the first 2 trimesters as the babies keep on changing their positions quite often. However, in the third trimester, you should start noticing your baby’s position using various available techniques. Also, remember that the child can naturally change its position in the last month as well. So, do not panic in case the baby’s position is head up or a breech position as the baby can self-change it. Always, do the appropriate exercises to keep your pregnancy healthy unless advised bed rest by the doctor. Walking is the simplest exercise you can do so do it at least twice a day. Always seek professional help in case you have any doubts regarding your pregnancy. A doctor can examine your condition better than anyone else and can advise you accordingly. And in the end do not try too hard for changing your baby’s position, let it happen as naturally as it can. Pregnancy is something a woman enjoys the most and there is nothing better than a well informed and healthy pregnancy. On the other hand, read out these chances of pregnancy article and chances of natural pregnancy post so far.
That’s very helpful. I hope there’s always enough time for it.