Are you feeling lost? Can’t understand how you would ever be able to find the old you? It may seem like an impossible task at the moment. But, don’t lose hope. Whether you are feeling lost in a relationship, job, as a parent or just in life, remember that you aren’t alone.
By reading this article, you will surely be able to get down to the root cause of your problem and understand the best ways to find yourself again.
Table of Contents
How to Find Yourself Again?
1) Remember Your Past
Don’t let yourself get lost entirely in your new role. Remember the things that you love to do and make an effort to do them now. Think about the last time you had fun. The key is to go with the flow and get completely engrossed in the joy of the moment; something we usually do only when we are young.
Once we get burdened with the responsibilities of growing up, we often lose sight of how fun life can be. If you are feeling lost, now is the time to reconnect with your past and let it go to the things that you love to do. Leave behind the excuses of not having enough money, time or babysitter etc. Commit to yourself that you would do things that make you happy, and you will see your life transform right before your eyes.
2) Go for an Adventure
Get out of your mundane life and go on an adventure, whether it is a solitary retreat, a day trip of a week-long vacation. This will not just help you to get into a positive state-of-mind but will also give you time to reconnect with yourself. The important thing is to get away from the noises of daily life and experience the world with a fresh pair of eyes. Indeed, you will return with much more clarity about your life than before.
3) Reconnect with your Dreams
Think about the dreams you had when you were young before you lost yourself in the “adult-life”. What are the things you deemed impossible because of your current situation? Get a journal and jot down the dream that you once had. Even better, you can come up with new plans altogether. Don’t be afraid to dream BIG. Once you rekindle your dreams, your inspiration and desire to take action will return, and you will feel like you have found yourself again.
4) Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
The monotony and lack of change in yourself is one of the main reasons why we feel lost. When you are feeling lost, it is the perfect time to get uncomfortable and try new things. Else you can go out and meet new people. Of course, You cannot grow by staying inside your comfort bubble. You have to challenge yourself to do something that you feel terrified by, but you still find refreshing. You have to stretch yourself just enough to evolve and grow. Don’t force yourself to do big things like going skydiving or travelling abroad. You can try small steps like going to an experimental show, walking around in a new neighbourhood or striking a conversation with someone new.
5) Learn New Skill or Pick up New Hobbies
Any opportunity that you take you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to try something new will go a long way towards finding yourself. Try a new hobby or go for classes for learning a new skill. Not only this, because of the internet, we all have access to hundreds of courses on all kinds of topics. You can go for a course to help improve your career prospects. To improve your physical and mental health or do something purely for fun.
6) Examine Your Relationships and Career
Take an in-depth look at your relationships and the career you are in and decide whether they have a positive impact on your life or a negative one. Think about whether they are part of the reason for you feeling lost. If the answer is yes, it may be time to let it go. Giving up on something that you have become comfortable in can be difficult, but in order to change your life and find yourself again, you have to take the tough stand.
7) Open up to the People Around You
You will be amazed to see how therapeutic things can be when you share your feeling and issues with other people. Discussing with others is a great way to learn new things about yourself as well as the world around you. Opening up will help you get more connected with your inner self as well. Not only is it great for stepping outside your bubble, but it will also help you get comfortable with the world around you and form healthy relationships.
8) Rekindle Past Friendships
Most of us lose touch with our friends all the time without any significant reason. Most of the time, it is just for the fact that they don’t get enough time to connect. Whenever possible, reach out and reconnect with an old friend. Avoid texting or messaging on social media; instead, call them up. If possible, try to meet them for coffee, drink or lunch. That will be especially useful if the friend is from the time when you felt like you knew yourself. Meeting someone from that time will trigger nostalgia, which can be extremely beneficial.
9) Embrace Spontaneity
Start being more spontaneous. If you pass by a store you like, go inside. If you were planning to stay at home, go out for a movie or a concert. On the other hand, if someone asks you to grab a drink with them, think ‘Why not’. Being spontaneous can have a positive effect on your life. The key is to seize every moment and find excitement in places you never thought possible. Challenging yourself is a great way to lose the hesitations that have been making you feel lost and discover things about yourself that you have forgotten or buried deep inside.
10) Forgive Yourself
There is a reason why ‘past’ is called the past. Whatever you have already done, you have to forgive yourself for it. Whatever skeletons may be hiding in your closet, you need to get rid of them right away. Remember that you are your most prominent critic. Dwelling on the past can be unhealthy and can cause you to feel lost. The sooner you give up the past transgressions, the sooner you will get back to your usual self and start taking on new opportunities. Just like holding a grudge for someone is a waste of valuable energy and brainpower, the same goes for your feelings for yourself. Learn to love yourself completely, with all your regrets and faults.
11) Consult a Life Coach
When you are feeling lost, getting a third party perspective can be extremely beneficial. It would be a great idea to seek guidance from a therapist or a life coach. A life coach uses their unbiased view and experience to connect with you on a deep level and take you on the right path towards finding yourself again. They can help you clarify things and come up with strategies for finding yourself.
So, if you are feeling lost in life, it doesn’t mean that your life is over and you will not be able to find yourself again. It just means that you are going through a process of transformation. The important thing is not to stay stuck in the current state but tap into your creative self and come back to create a life that you love. I hope the tips as mentioned earlier will help you to come out of the negative thinking and remind you of your inner power.
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