Psychotherapy for a depression free mind and a great mental health

Psychotherapy for a depression free mind and a great mental health

As a matter of fact, Depression is not good for you; it has never been good for anyone. Obviously depression is a state of mind in which the world seems a lonely place and you develop an indifferent behavior towards the people of this world and the activities going on in this world. And the … Read more

4 Simple yoga techniques to reduce body heat and to stay fit

how to reduce body heat by yoga

To Know About How To Reduce Body Heat By Yoga Body heat is a type of stress which can occur due to many reasons like climate-change or high temperature, dehydration. Our body can tolerate a maximum 36-38 degree Celsius temperature if the temperature is more than that then heatstroke problems may occur. There are some remedies … Read more

What are the best meditation techniques for beginners

Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners in happy life

Several people turn towards meditation in one or the other point in their lives. Some of them seek happiness; some seek self-control, while the others do it for motivation. Reasons are many, and there have been various techniques around but how to start meditation is still a popular question. If you are a beginner in … Read more
